Privacy Statement

The navigation on the site is likely to cause the installation of cookie (s) on the computer of the user. A cookie is a small file, which does not allow the identification of the user, but which records information relating to the navigation of a computer on a site. The data thus obtained are intended to facilitate subsequent navigation on the site, and are also intended to allow various measures of attendance.

The refusal to install a cookie may make it impossible to access certain services. The user can however configure his computer as follows, to refuse the installation of cookies:

  • In Firefox: at the top of the browser window, click the Firefox button, then go to the Options tab. Click on the Privacy tab. Set the retention rules to: use custom settings for history. Finally uncheck it to disable cookies.
  • Under Safari: Click on the top right of the browser on the menu pictogram (symbolized by a cog). Select Settings. Click Show Advanced Settings. In the “Privacy” section, click Content Settings. In the “Cookies” section, you can block cookies.
  • Under Chrome: Click at the top right of the browser on the menu icon (symbolized by three horizontal lines). Select Settings. Click Show Advanced Settings. In the “Privacy” section, click Preferences. In the “Privacy” tab, you can block cookies.
We do not store or sell your private data